Digital tools
Safety Digitalization Hub
Digital systems engineering for the next generation of Safety Critical Systems

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In Anzen we are at the forefront of Safety and Reliability Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) software applications.
Because the aerospace industry is turning to these methodologies, Anzen aims to provide to its customers the best Model Based Safety Analysis (MBSA) applications.
Our ATICA suite aims at collecting all the Safety and Reliability related data in a unique platform which helps the System Safety engineers to develop safety analyses faster and minimizes the risk of human error.
Given a unique system model, ATICA works in several layers:
Each layer collects the necessary information, both high and low level, considering the project requirements in order to collect the required evidence and produce the demonstrations needed by end users and authorities to get an aerospace certification.
ATICA provides solutions along the whole V-Cycle, making the development phase easier and reducing development costs. It also keeps the end-to-end traceability, making system safety analysis simpler.
Package | Capabilities |
Atica@mbsa Model Based Safety Analisis |
ATICA@reqs Requirements Toolbox |
ATICA@rpf Reliability Prediction Framework |
ATICA@fdir Failure Detection, |
ATICA@mbd Model Based Framework |
ATICA@dt Digital Twin |